BCI NET Dec 94.iso
Text File
1,239 lines
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Version 1.53 19-Mar-93 Upgrade
Changes from version 1.52 to version 1.53:
* Public domain version!
* Bug fixed: The file library would sometimes become corupted on certian
* Bug fixed: Using the user editor while someone is online after a page
would result in the node hanging.
Changes from version 1.51 to version 1.52:
* Public domain version!
* The BBS now checks for a lost carrier during the logon message check.
* Bug fixed: The file requester would sometimes not pop up after adding
* Bug fixed: The BBS would crash if an import was in progress at
Changes from version 1.50 to version 1.51:
* Unlimited optional file paths have been added. Use a text file named
"FilePaths.text" to add extra optional file paths. Note: Each path
must be terminated with either ":" or "/". No blank lines allowed. This
text file must be found in the default files file path. It is loaded
only once at start-up and is shared by all nodes.
* Bug fixed: When the user sets their "Junk mail" flag, no matter what
they selected it would always be turned on.
* BBS menu function 42 - Send a private NetMail message via Hub, has been
added. This function allows the user to write a NetMail message to a
destination which is routed through a Hub. The "Extra" gadget contains
the phone number pseudo section number as found in the "FidoNet mail
distribution" window (ie. 101 - 121). The "Filename/Name/Dest/Path" can
hold an optional destination address (Zone:Net/Node.Point).
* The BBS will now check to see if the "LZH" and "UnLZH" executable exists
before attempting to unARC message packets. Note: You must add the path
to these gadgets (if you have not already).
C:Lha -m -N -q a
* MC68030 versions now available on request. The code is slightly smaller
and is suppose to execute faster.
* BBS menu functions 38 - Who's online, and 39 - Internode chat, should
now be more stable. It was possible before to have two nodes waiting
on a reply from each other, causing both nodes to hang. Note: If one
node hangs for some reason and a user then selects the "Who's online"
function on a different node, it will cause that node to hang as well.
This is because the working node is waiting for a reply from the hanging
* BBS menu function 39 - Internode chat, now remembers all keys pressed
during a message interruption from another node.
* The "Message import" window now has an extra count added (0/0/0). This
new count is the number of exports ie. Messages/Imports/Exports.
* The BBS now has improved FidoNet point handling.
* The "User editor" has an expanded "Last message read" gadget which now
has a maximum value of 9,999,999.
* When quoting from a message which is in a section with the "From" flag
turned off, the user's initials are no longer inserted in the replying
message. For security reasons.
* Bug fixed: When two different nodes are uploading at the same time
the BBS would ask for descriptions of the files uploaded by the other
* Bug fixed: When downloading files and the user is asked "Do you want
to download your marked files?" (line 307) and the user hits "Y" or "N"
to quickly, the BBS would lock-up (want to crash someone's BBS who have
not got their v1.51 upgrade yet... :-)).
* Bug fixed: Cross linking sections was not working correctly.
* Some other minor bugs fixed.
* Have you noticed the change in the "About..." window yet (Hint: Turn
up the volume)? :-)
Changes from version 1.43 to version 1.50:
* Access ranges have been added to the "Sections configure" window and
the "Menu editor" window. The new gadgets "Low access" and "High access"
allow you to specify the access range a user must have to use that section
or menu function. "High Access" defaults to 10000 (All).
* The BBS now allows an access range to be used when hiding parts of
text in text or menu files. Before, only one or the other could be
used. Example:
@10Only access 10 to 10000 can see this.
@5|20Only access 5 to 20 can see this.
@15Only access 15 to 20 can see this.
|15Only access 15 can see this.
|10000Only access 15 to 10000 can see this.
@0Everybody can see this (normal).
* Reply access level has been added to the "Sections configure" window.
The user must have the same or high access than the "Reply access" before
they can reply to a message in that message section. This feature make
BBS menu function 35 - Read messages w/o reply, effectively obsolete.
Although the function is still available for downward compatability.
* Two extra section links has been added to the "Sections configure"
window. "Lk1" (Link 1) is the same as the old "Lnk" flag for version
1.43 and down. "Lk2" (Link 2) and "Lk3" (Link 3) are used with the new
pseudo section numbers listed here:
Message functions: File functions:
100 Link 1 local 100 Link 1
101 Link 1 echo 101 Link 2
102 Link 1 both 102 Link 3
103 Link 2 local
104 Link 2 echo
105 Link 2 both
106 Link 3 local
107 Link 3 echo
108 Link 3 both
You may also use the same message or file section with other links by
using two or all three of the link flags.
* Full screen file marking has been implemented! This is the ultimate
in file marking as you no longer have to type in file names. To use
the new full screen file marking you just move the cursor up and down
in a file listing, and press <RETURN> when the cursor is over the
desired file. The file name will then change colour. If you select
a file that is already marked it will automatically be UnMarked. The
"ListFileHelp.text" file has been updated with the new information on
file marking. When BBS menu function 24 - Download files, is used,
the marked files can then be included automatically in the download.
30 marked files is the maximum. Marked file are automatically UnMarked
as they are successfully transferred, making the mark files list abort
* Added BBS menu function 40 - Edit marked files. This new BBS menu
function allows the user to manually add marked files or UnMark files.
The current marked files are first listed, then the user is ask to enter
the file name of the file they wish to Mark/UnMark. The "Extra" gadget
must contain a file section number. This function work much the same
way as BBS menu function 24 - Download files, in that partial strings
are accepted.
* Added BBS menu function 41 - UnMark all marked files. This BBS
function simply UnMarks all marked files.
* Added "Freeze clock for uploads" ("Freeze upld clck") to the "Paths
& options" window. This option lets you choose if you want the BBS
to freeze the user's time remaining while they upload.
* Added "Upload reward to daily time limit" ("Upld rewrd daily") to the
"Paths & options" window. Use this option to allow the upload reward
time to be added to the current user's time remaining and daily time
limit (on), or just to their time remaining (off).
* Good news for Sweden (and other countries with different keyboards).
The BBS makes use of the new KickStart 2.0 "keymap.library". If you
are running KickStart 2.0, the BBS will use the keymap that is currently
selected in the system.
* Added bps rates of 115,200 and 76,800 to be allowed in the "Max" and
"Min" gadgets in the "Modem configure" window. Zooming dudes!
* Bug fixed: When using bps rate of 57,600, the download log would have
corrupted file name strings.
* Added new auto logon protocol called "MXC". "MXC" is currently only
available with "X-Comm" by Edward Lawford (soon to be released). Note:
Only works when "Allow pickup" is selected in the "FidoNet configure"
* Added "Toggle list mode" to list files sub menu. This allows the
user to toggle between normal file list and short file list modes.
Short file list mode only list the file name and description.
* You can now define optional addresses and origin lines for NetMail.
Use section "0" with no "Area" and the appropriate destination address
in the "FidoNet mail distribution" window.
* When using ZModem to transfer a file and the user does not have
enough time remaining to complete the transfer (as compared to the
estimated download time), the BBS will allow the transfer to start,
but when the user's time remaining reaches zero the BBS will hang-up
straight away. Normally, if the estimate time is lower than the user's
time remaining, the transfer is continued until completed, even when
the user's time remaining reaches zero. The user is told this before
the transfer begins, allowing the user to ZModem resume the transfer on
the next logon.
* Added auto insert %U - Section of current menu. This new auto insert
will check the current menu for a menu function which requires a section
number. It will use this section number to look up the section name as
defined in the "Sections configure" window, and insert it. This allows you
to use the same menu text file for many different menus. The search
starts from the top and looks for the first menu function that the user
has access to that requires a section number. Note: Section 100 and
higher are ignored.
* BBS menu function 36 - Set junk mail flag, now defaults to "No" when
the user presses <RETURN>.
* Option "-c" can now be used in the argument line at the CLI when
running M A X's BBS, to turn off chat.
Run MAXsBBS -c
Changes from version 1.42 to version 1.43:
* Bug fixed. When leaving an echo message and then exporting it, the
destination address is now set to the actual destination system's address
during the export process.
* Bug fixed. Turning off the SysEvents log would also turn off the CLI and
Download log.
* Bug fixed. When forwarding a message with an attached file, the attached
file's file name was not renamed to the new message number prefix.
* Bug fixed. Auto inserts are no longer allowed in the internode chat
message lines.
* When leaving an echo message and the user's name is "Sysop", the "From"
name is changed to the name that appears in the "FidoNet configure"
window's "Sysop" gadget before the message is exported.
* When a user requests a download which would exceed their time limit, the
BBS will now show the actual (estimated) time required.
* The BBS will now include internode information in NetMail (if
applicable). The BBS will also check for this information when replying
to a NetMail message.
* Reverse file list option has been added to the file list sub menu. The
new sub menu and help text files are included in the upgrade archive.
* A maximum rate of 57600 bps is now allowed in the "Max" and "Min" gadgets
in the "Modem configure" window. This allows you to lock the terminal
speed to 57600 bps (if your modem can hack it!).
* NetMail will now be routed if the destination address exists in the
"FidoNet configure" window (including attached files).
* When leaving or replying to a NetMail message the BBS now checks to make
sure that the destination sub directory exists. If not, the BBS will ask
if you would like to create it.
Changes from version 1.41 to version 1.42:
* Bug fixed. When forwarding a non-imported message to an "Echo" message
section and then exporting it, the BBS would not add the Tear or Origin
lines to the message text in the OutBound message packet file.
* The BBS will now abort a FidoNet session if it can not delete the
OutBound file which was just sent.
Changes from version 1.40 to version 1.41:
* Bug fixed. When attaching a file to a reply to a NetMail message the
attached file would not be copied to the correct OutBound sub directory.
You would get a DOS error.
* Added 20 extra text lines to the "Text editor".
* Spaces are now allowed in the "Execute on logoff" gadget.
Changes from version 1.33 to version 1.40:
Please edit the following text lines to read:
61: |^M^M^[[32mMove message to section number (? - list): ^[[0m |
109: |^M^M^[[32mSection number (? - list): ^[[0m |
225: |^M^M^[[33m rwud^[[32mbafpclgja^M^[[33m r: ^[[36m ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ______________
Flags: ^[[0m |
* The "Message importer" has been changed. Here is a list of the new bad
message packet error codes:
Bad message packet error codes:
1 - Bad message structure (Fatal, stop).
2 - Bad or unknown date string (Optional, skip).
3 - Bad or missing "From" name string (Optional, skip).
4 - Bad or missing subject string (Optional, skip).
5 - Missing "AREA" string (Skip).
6 - Missing "SEEN-BY" string (Skip).
7 - Bad "SEEN-BY" string (Skip).
8 - Missing "PATH" string (Skip).
9 - Bad "PATH" string (Skip).
10 - Message text too big (Stop).
"Optional" means that this error can be turned off by using the "No care
import" gadget in the "FidoNet configure" window. "Stop" means the message
import will stop on this error and will not continue reading this message
packet. "Skip" means the message import will skip this message and
continue onto the next message in this message packet. If any errors occur
when reading a message packet, then the message packet is renamed to the
first error code that occurred. With error #2, the bad date string is
stored in the "SysEventsLog.text" so that you can see exactly why it
failed. "Msg counts", "Total counts", "Date" and "Total errors"
information fields have been added to the "Message import" window.
* "Import time" has been added to the "FidoNet configure" window. This
gadget allows you to set a 24 hour time to start the "Message importer". If
this value is set to zero (0), then the "Message importer" will start after
each FidoNet session. If this value is set to the dummy time of "9999",
then the "Message importer" is turned off. Of course you can still force
an import regardless of this time value. If the "Optimize time" is set to
the same time as the "Import time" then a message optimize will start
straight after the message import.
* The "FidoLog.text" file has been renamed to "SysEventsLog.text".
* The "SysEventsLog.text" now logs a lot more information than before. File
names and file sizes are now also logged. Each entry in the log is now
preceded by a node number.
* The "Files editor" has been changed. The "Description" gadget has been
extended and can now display most of the file's description text. A "Sort"
gadget has been added. This allows you to sort the files into section
number order. Hit "Sort" again to sort back to date order. Note: If you
have sorted the files into section number order, hitting "Save" will
re-sort the files back to date order before saving the data file. A "Purge
section" gadget has been added. This gadget allows you to purge the entire
current file section. You can now also use the keyboard keys:
"P" - Public
"D" - Delete
"Up arrow" - Moves up one file
"Dn arrow" - Moves down one file
"Left arrow" - Moves file to previous file section
"Right arrow" - Moves file to next file section
Note: You must click in a non-gadget area in the "Files editor" window to
activate keyboard control. You can now also "un-delete" and "un-public"
files by hitting that gadget again.
* All windows which have up and down arrow gadgets can now use the
keyboard's up and down arrow keys to move. Note: You must click in a
non-gadget area in that window to activate keyboard control.
* When receiving files during a FidoNet session, the BBS will automatically
rename the incoming file if it already exists in the InBound directory. A
unique number is prefixed to the file name.
* When using the "FidoNet dialer", the BBS window will display all
responses and connect info from the modem when the "Show connect info"
gadget is turned on. Once the BBS has connected to another system, the
BBS's banner text is also displayed in the BBS window (regardless of the
"Show connect info" gadget).
* The "Answer delay" gadget has been added to the "System configure"
window. This allows you to set the delay in seconds from when the connect
string is recognised to when the BBS responds. This value is in seconds
and ranges from 1 to 59.
* Bug fixed: The "AREA" would match up with partial area strings.
* Bug fixed: Message error code #9 now works correctly.
* When a user logs onto the BBS the logon mail search is now optional.
* The BBS no longer accepts zero sized uploads.
* The "asl.library" file requester has been replaced by the
"reqtools.library" file requester. This is because the "asl.library"
requester is just too slow. Note: Both the WB 1.3 and WB 2.0 versions of
the "reqtools.library" have been supplied with this upgrade. Please
rename and install the appropriate one in your "Libs:" file path.
* "LockOutDoor" has been added. Works the same way as the others.
* For consistency, "12000" and "14400" connect string gadgets have been
added to the "Modem configure" window.
* The "Capabilities" FidoNet information field is now displayed as a bit
string. Here are the bit meanings (taken from "FTS-0006.txt"):
/* Can do fast "FTS-0001" 0000 0000 0000 0001 */
/* Full-Tilt Boogie 0000 0000 0000 0010 */
/* Does ZModem, 1K blocks 0000 0000 0000 0100 */
/* Can do ZModem variant 0000 0000 0000 1000 */
/* Can do Janus 0000 0000 0001 0000 */
/* reserved by FTSC 0000 0000 0010 0000 */
/* reserved by FTSC 0000 0000 0100 0000 */
/* reserved by FTSC 0000 0000 1000 0000 */
/* reserved by FTSC 0000 0001 0000 0000 */
/* reserved by FTSC 0000 0010 0000 0000 */
/* reserved by FTSC 0000 0100 0000 0000 */
/* reserved by FTSC 0000 1000 0000 0000 */
/* reserved by FTSC 0001 0000 0000 0000 */
/* reserved by FTSC 0010 0000 0000 0000 */
/* reserved by FTSC 0100 0000 0000 0000 */
/* WZ file req. ok 1000 0000 0000 0000 */
* The "FidoNet dialer" can now handle fast responding BBS's.
* All OutBound destinations now have their own OutBound sub directory. The
OutBound directory for a particular destination has a name made up from the
"Zone.Net.Node.Point" values. Note: The "OutBound files file path" gadget
has been renamed to "OutBound directories path" in the "FidoNet configure"
window. The BBS automatically creates the "Personalized" OutBound sub
directories on start-up, or it can be done manually by selecting the
"Create dirs" gadget in the "FidoNet mail distribution" window. To send
files to a destination it is as easy as copying the file in to the
appropriate OutBound sub directory. Note: If the "Old" gadget is turned on
for that destination, then the files are renamed to the IBM file name
format upon "Pick-up". This means that file names may be truncated if they
are too long for the IBM format.
* The "Check files" now shows "Path", "Timer" and "To go/Found" information
fields. Note: The path of the current file is only shown once it is found
and therefore tends to "Flash".
* The "User editor" now double checks to see if someone is online before
allowing you to save deleted users.
* The BBS will now wait up to 10 seconds to lock or open a data file. This
is in case the same data file is being saved on another node.
* The "Message importer" now checks for duplicate messages by using a 32
bit CRC table. This allows you to abort and then continue a message import
without having to worry about importing duplicate messages. Note: The CRC
table is only valid up until a completed message import session, and will
be lost if you abort a message import and then "Quit" the program.
* When forwarding an imported message and then re-exporting it, the
original origin line now stays with the message.
* The BBS now does a CRC check on the config file to warn you of any
un-saved changes.
* You can now "Reserve" the BBS for a particular user. Use the pull down
menu function "Reserve BBS" and enter the name of the user you wish to
reserve the BBS for. The BBS will tell you if the user does not exist. To
cancel a reserve just re-select it (the check mark will toggle).
* The BBS now allows you to put arguments after a door's file name when
using BBS menu function 34 - Door.
* A "Junk mail" flag has been added to the "User editor" window. The "Junk
mail" flag allows the user to search for messages addressed to "All" on the
logon mail search. The new BBS menu function 36 - Set junk mail flag, has
been added to allow users to set their own "Junk mail" flags.
* The BBS now allows you to quote the origin text from imported messages.
* When forwarding a message you can now use a "?" to get a list of section
names and numbers. Note: The "(M)ove msg" function in the message editor
menu also accepts a "?" for a sections list.
* The BBS now allows files to be attached to messages. The flag "AFA"
(Allow File Attaches) has been added to the "User editor" and the "User
defaults" windows. A user is allowed to attach a file to a message if
their "AFA" and "Upld" flags are turned on, in which case the message
editor menu text file "MsgEdMenu2.text" is displayed. The "Attached files
file path" gadget has been added to the "System configure" window. File
attaches are stored in this directory with the message number prefixed to
the file name. Once a file has been attached to a message, the subject of
that message then becomes the file name of the attached file. When file
attaching at a local login, the "reqtools.library" file requester is used
to select the file. When a message with an attached file is being read,
the user is allowed to "(G)rab" the attached file if the message is
addressed "To" or "From" them, or when it is addressed to "All". A sysop
(access 5000) can "(G)rab" any file attach. An attached file is only
deleted when the user to whom the message is addressed to has "(G)rab"ed
the file. Note: A file attached to a message addressed to "All" is not
deleted when "(G)rab"ed. File attaches are compatible with other FidoNet
systems. This allows users to send and receive "Echo" and "NetMail"
messages with attached files over the FidoNet network.
* The pull down menu function "PURGE ATTACHED FILES" has been added. This
function opens a window allowing you to delete attached files. The "Lost"
gadget will delete file attaches that are attached to a missing or deleted
message. The "Old" gadget will delete file attaches that are older than
the number of days specified in the "Old:" gadget. The "Restart" gadget
will delete ALL file attaches.
* The BBS now allows users to reply to "NetMail". The BBS will ask the
user if the destination address is correct. If it is not correct for some
reason, then the user can enter the destination address manually.
* Users can now hit "S" to stop a message search at any time.
* BBS menu function 37 - Raw download, has been added. This function
allows the user to download any file in the BBS files file paths, or
optionally, specify any file path. To allow file paths enter a "1" in the
"Extra" gadget in the "Menu editor". Enter a "0" in the "Extra" gadget to
stop file paths from being used.
* The "(B)efore" message history size has been increased from 10 to 20
* BBS menu function 38 - Who's online, has been added. This function
allows the user to see who is online on a multi-line system. The node
number, name and suburb of current online users are shown.
* BBS menu function 39 - Internode chat, has been added. This function
allows users to chat to each other in private or in a "Conference" on a
multi-line system. Note: This function will only work when two or more
nodes are running. A user can send a message to a user on another node
asking for a chat etc. even if the other user is not in this function. In
"Conference" mode, all users in this mode will receive the conference
messages. In private mode, only the destination node will see the message.
* The "BBS font" and "Windows font" gadgets have been added to the "System
configure" window. This allows you to configure the main BBS font and the
windows font. This was mainly added because of the need for different
character sets for different languages.
* An "Execute on logoff" gadget has been added to the "System configure"
window. You can specify a program or script to execute each time a user
logs off. This works even if the user is "Twitted" or the carrier is lost.
This function is intended for utility programs written for M A X's BBS.
* The BBS will now notify you if you are going to save over a newly
uploaded file or save over a new "Guest" user. This can happen when using
the "Files editor" and "User editor" while users are uploading and logging
on on other nodes.
* When importing messages and a "NetMail" message is addressed to "Sysop",
the user file is first checked to see if "Sysop" exists. If not, the
message will be addressed to the name that appears in the "Sysop name"
gadget in the "FidoNet configure" window.
* ZModem has been changed to handle up to 10 unexpected headers before
aborting the transfer.
* True multi-node master access routines have been added. This greatly
reduces processor time and guarantees safe sharing of data files and index
memory between nodes. All multi-node loop holes have been fixed.
Changes from version 1.32 to version 1.33:
* Bug fixed: When calling a FidoNet system the BBS would sometimes guru.
* Happy new year!
Changes from version 1.31 to version 1.32:
Now you can claim that with M A X's BBS you get an upgrade every day! :-)
* Bug fixed: The "Sections configure" window and the quote message text
routines would list the first ten numbers as "00". Sorry, this happened
when I was changing some "move.b" instructions to "moveq.l".
* File transfers have been optimized even more! By increasing the small
double buffering buffer size and using a CRC look up table for CRC
calculations, I have increased file transfer speeds by 14%. Using a
modified ShitTerm version 0.05 (which has exactly the same routines as
M A X's BBS version 1.32) to send a text file (M A X's BBS's manual)
using the ZModem file transfer protocol on a stock standard Amiga 500
with a 7 Meg Hz 68000, I got the follow CPS rates:
| Bps | CPS | CPS (Iconified) |
| 1200 | 118 | 119 |
| 2400 | 236 | 238 |
| 9600 | 892 | 905 |
| 19200 | 1625 | 1665 |
| 38400 | 2835 | 2930 |
If anyone claims that their program can do better than that then ask
them to prove it! Note: YModem-g is faster still than ZModem!
* Instead of disabling the "Save" gadgets in the "User editor" and the
"Files editor" when someone is online on another node, the "Inactive",
"Delete" and "Purge" gadgets are now disabled in the "User editor" and
the routine which removes deleted files from the files data file is
disabled. This prevents the data files becoming smaller in size and
causing problems with other un-suspecting nodes. Note: It is okay to
add (increase the data files file sizes) to the data files. If you get a
save error because another node has a read/write lock on the same data
file, then just hit "Retry" until it works (or Twit the offending user :-)
Changes from version 1.30 to version 1.31:
Please edit text line 100 to read:
100: |^[[32m(B)efore, (N)ext, (C)ontinuous,^M(A)gain, (M)ark |
* M A X's BBS is now 9K bytes smaller! I managed to do this by moving parts
of the program around to maximize pc relative addressing.
* BBS menu function 35 - Read messages w/o reply, has been added. This
function is exactly the same as BBS menu function 17 - Read messages,
except the user does not have the option to reply to the messages.
* To make M A X's BBS fool proof for a multi-line system, the "User
editor" and the "Files editor" will have their "Save" gadgets ghosted
while someone is online on any node. This is prevent DOS errors when
trying to save the data files when another node has a read/write lock on
the same data file. Also problems arise when you delete users from the
user file making the user file change in size and hence another node may
store the current user in the wrong position of the user file. Same with
the files data file, there is a chance that another node may update the
wrong part of the files data file because you have delete and removed
files from the same data file on another node.
Changes from version 1.21 to version 1.30:
This version of M A X's is a significant improvement on all previous
versions. With the new implementation of a user index and optimized
sending routines I think it is safe to claim that M A X's BBS is the
fastest BBS program available on the Amiga.
* There are a number of changes to FidoNet. The message importer has
been modified to handle a lot of non-standard message formats. Thanks to
Michael Borgefjord and Duncan Mcwilliam for providing sample message
packets. The message importer will now rename any bad message packet
files as ".Bad_Error#n" where "n" is an error code. Here is a list of
possible errors:
Bad message packet error codes:
1 - Bad message structure (Fatal).
2 - Bad or unknown date string.
3 - Bad or missing "From" name string.
4 - Bad or missing subject string.
5 - Missing "AREA" string.
6 - Missing "SEEN-BY" string.
7 - Bad "SEEN-BY" string.
8 - Missing "PATH" string.
9 - Bad "PATH" string.
10 - Message text too big.
* The "System configure" window has "Optimize time" and "Login time limit"
gadgets added. The "Optimize time" gadget contains a 24 hour time to
automatically optimize the message files. The "FidoLog.text" is updated.
The "Login time limit" is the maximum time a user is giving to answer
each login question. The timer is restart for each question that requires
input from the user, this includes new (Guest) users answering the new user
questions. This value is in seconds and ranges from 1 to 99999 (no time
out). Be sure to set this value when you change over to 1.30.
* The message optimizer has been extended. A bubble sort of the data file
is now also performed to sort the data file into message number order. As
messages are read in forward or reverse order this decreases the number
of seeking the disk drive, which contains the message files, has to do.
When optimizing messages the "DTR" signal is dropped to stop the modem
from answering any incoming calls.
* The auto insert "%T" has been added. This is the number of users online.
* The BBS menu function 33 - Set default file transfer protocol, is now
forced for a new (Guest) user login.
* The BBS node number now also appears in the BBS screen title.
* The "Modem configure" window has a new option called "Auto connect
string". This option allows the BBS to find the connection bps rate from
the value after the "CONNECT" string. Set this option when your modem will
give a numerical value of the bps rate established for all rates. The
advantage of this option is that it will handle all the odd bps rates that
some modems can connect at and any future modems.
* You can now forward a message to an "Echo" message section. The BBS
will ask you "If you wish to export this message?" (line 268). The
message will be exported with your origin line weather it originated
from your BBS or not. Note: You will not be given the option to export
a message which you have just quoted from when replying to it. You will
have to use the "(A)gain" option to reset the message text.
* The "FidoNet" window now has 21 phone numbers and 21 execute program
entries. Use the arrow gadgets to move up and down in groups of three.
Each phone number and execute program entry has a "Day count" and on/off
gadget. The "Day count" allows you to set the number of days to wait
before it will dial or execute again, ie "1" will cause the entry to
happen every day, "2" will cause the entry to happen every second day,
etc etc... The largest day count is 9 days and the minimum is 1 day. The
on/off gadget allows you to stop this entry from happening at all. Of
course you can force an event regardless of the day count and on/off
switch. Note: Only the first five entries of each can be forced. Also
the day count has a fixed reference and may not start on the first day you
configure that entry.
* The file transfer send routines have been greatly optimized. The BBS
now uses small double buffering which is automatically adjusted according
to the terminal speed. The increase in speed is at least twice as fast.
Also the text sending routines have been optimized in the same way, making
a noticeable increase in text speed (limited to the speed of the user's
terminal program's text printing routines of course).
* A "User.index" file has been added to speed up user file searches. To
create the index file start the "User editor" and hit "Save". The BBS
will default to the old user file search if the "User.index" file is
* When importing NetMail (private messages) the BBS will check the user
file to see if the user that the message is addressed to exists before
storing the message. This stops your section 0 from being filled up with
useless messages.
* The BBS will now log all remote user logins regardless of their access
level and will log all local user logins who are not Almighty Sysops
(access 10000).
* The "Warning: Carrier detected" requester now gives you the option to
put the BBS into "Sleep" mode. This comes in handy if you start up a
local node to answer messages and forget to use the "-s" option when
someone is online.
* The "File section counts error" requester now gives you the option to
fix the error. This was requested by Edward Lawford and his experimental
file utility programs :-).
* Merry Christmas!
Changes from version 1.20 to version 1.21:
* Bug fixed. When quoting from a message which has the first line blank
the BBS will not let you quote the last line.
* Bug fixed. When deleting line 99 (last line) in the full screen editor
the BBS will always crash. Not the sort of bug you want hackers to know
* The clock window position is now stored in the config file. To save the
clock position just select "Save all" from the "Config" pull down menu.
* The file receive routines have been optimized even more for faster file
* The "Old" file name flag in the "FidoNet mail distribution" window is now
automatic ie. it will turn on all "Old" flags for every entry of that
destination address.
* The ZModem send auto block size has been changed to work better with
buffered modems.
* The asl.library file requester is now used to load and save the config
file. For Workbench 2.0 users only.
Changes from version 1.18 to version 1.20:
Note: After using "MAXsCon120" to convert your "Config.data" file you will
notice that the BBS address and the iconify window position have been set
to zero. Please change these as required.
* Bug fixed. When checking files and a requester "File already exists"
pops up and you hit "Delete", it would sometimes cause a file section
counts error. All fixed now.
* The DOS command "CD" now works with the BBS menu function 28 - CLI.
* M A X's BBS can now be used with multi-lines. The program has been
re-written to allow for shared index memory and shared data files.
Multiple nodes have been tested from local with no problems. A real
multi-line system should work but has not been tested yet, so let me how
it goes. I recommend that if you are going to run multi-lines that you use
an Amiga faster than the stock standard 7 Meg 68000.
* The iconify window has been enlarged to fit the node number before the
user name and the current menu function after the user name. To insure
that the iconify window can open, because it is now wider, the stored
iconify window position is zeroed (see above).
* File names can now use the characters "_" and "&".
* The download batch file limit has been increased from 10 to 30. The
user's download/upload ratio is now check with each file requested.
* Multiple doors can now be run as a user logs in. The BBS now looks in
the door files file path for the following text files:
The above text files contain the file name(s) of the door program(s) you
wish to run. The text files must contain only one door file name per line.
The doors are run one after another in the order of the text file. There
is no limit to the amount of doors you can run from each text file!
Arguments can now be passed to the door program and are added after the
file name of the door. Do not specify paths, the BBS assumes that all door
programs are found in the door files file path.
* The "FidoNet mail distribution" window now has optional BBS addresses and
optional origin lines. An "Old" file name flag has also been added for
systems which do not support 4 dimension file names (IBM crap). Note: When
using the "Old" file name flag be sure to set the flag for all entries of
that destination address (this will probably become automatic in the next
version). When using optional origin lines the BBS will use the optional
origin text when assembling the message for that destination. Therefore
not only can you have a different origin line for each message section, you
can also have different origin lines depending on the destination (pretty
good a?). When using optional BBS addresses the optional BBS address will
be used for that destination address. When an incoming FidoNet system
calls your BBS, it's address is looked up in the "FidoNet mail
distribution" window, if it is not found then the normal BBS address is used. If the destination address is found and you have specified an
optional BBS address, then your BBS uses that optional BBS address as an
alias when exchanging "Hello" blocks. ie. your BBS can belong to several
different "Nets" using a different BBS address for each. Note: When using
optional BBS addresses be sure to enter the same optional BBS address for
all entries of that destination address.
Changes from version 1.16 to version 1.18:
Please edit the following text lines using the "Text editor" to read
something like the following depending of course on your colour scheme
and/or language:
Line 114: |^M^M^[[32mQuote which lines ([From]-[To], CR - end): ^[[0m
Line 116: |^M^[[33mQuoting line(s)...^[[0m
Line 243: |^M^[[32m v: ^[[36mMax tm bnk: ^[[0m
* When using the BBS menu function 26 - Edit a user, the "Edit user"
window is used when at a local login. If editing a user from remote
the old "Remote user editor" is used.
* The BBS now uses a file index for super fast file searching. The file
index is also used when listing files. If the file index does not
exist, then the BBS will default to the old file search routines. Note:
To create the "File.index" file, select the "Files editor" and hit "Save".
The "File.index" file is found in the "Files file path" and is protected
from being over written by an upload.
* "Monochrome" option added to the "Paths & options" window. This option
opens a one bit plane screen for the BBS display. The monochrome option
is of course only black and white, but because it is only one bit plane
all the text routines are super fast especially scrolling! The user will
still receive all the ANSI colour codes even though they are ignored on
the BBS side. This option also uses less chip mem.
* The ANSI codes "<Esc>[2J" and "<Esc>[2K" have been implemented. Some
door programs use these codes.
* When a user is logged on, the local Sysop can select BBS menu functions
as though the user is an almighty Sysop (access 10000). ie. all menu
selections from remote are limited to the user's access level, but menu
selections made on the local keyboard are considered access level 10000.
* The bell delay has been shortened.
* Text can now be hidden from users with higher access levels. This is
similar to the minimum access level specifier "@". To specify a maximum
access level use the "|" character followed be the access level. Only
users with the same or lower access level can see the text following the
"|n" code. If you want to use the character "|" without an access level
check, then use two "|" characters (you will only see one).
|5000Sysops can not see this|10000
Put a maximum access level check of 10000 after the part of the text you
are hiding, so that all users can see the remaining part of the text.
* "Max time bank" has now been moved into the "User editor". This allows
you to specify the maximum time bank balance the individual user can
obtain. The "User defaults" window now has the "Max time bank" default
value gadgets for Guests and Members. This value is in minutes and ranges
from 0 (no time bank) to 10000.
* The message importer now accepts variable date string lengths (19 and 20
bytes). This change was made because Rikard Thulin in Sweden sent me a
sample message packet which did not work with M A X's BBS. I found that
the date strings were only 19 bytes wide but according to my FidoNet docs
they should always be 20 bytes wide...
* The "System configure" window has the gadget "Add & sub" replacing the
"Max time bank" gadget. The "Add & sub" gadget is used to set the amount
of minutes to add and subtract from the current user with the pull down
menu functions "Add mins" and "Sub mins" (previously known as "Add 15
mins" and "Sub 15 mins").
* M A X's BBS exclusive door command 202 added.
* When quoting lines from a message, the quote prefix text line 115 can
now contain a "%" to tell the BBS to insert the initials of the user the
message is from. If you wish to use the character "%" in the quote
prefix, then use two "%" characters (you will only see one).
* When quoting lines from a message, the user can now enter a range. To
enter a range you type in the from line number and the to line number
separated by a "-" character.
6-10 Quotes lines 6 to 10.
10-6 Quotes lines 6 to 10.
-10 Quotes lines 1 to 10.
6- Quotes lines 6 to last line.
- Quotes lines 1 to last line (whole message).
6 Quotes line 6.
* When selecting pull down menu functions "Load all" and "Save all" the
BBS will open a confirmation requester in case you selected one by
* Due to the fact that the Amiga's keyboard can change depending on the
nationally, I have added the text "K/B map starts here ->" and "<- Ends
here" around the keyboard map in the executable program. To edit the
keyboard map use a file zapper (eg. "Hex") to edit the characters as
required. Do a search for the string "K/B map" to find the start of the
keyboard map in the program. The keyboard map contains the unshifted keys
in the first half and the shifted keys in the second half. Edit with
care. I know this is crude, but it will do for now.
* When a user pages the sysop for a chat the user's name not only changes
to red but "*" are now placed around the name. This is so the local Sysop
can see that the user has paged the Sysop even in monochrome mode. Same
applies when the BBS is iconified.
Changes from version 1.14 to version 1.16:
* You want more file paths... you got 'em! Thirty optional files file
paths added to the "Paths & options" window. Use the arrow gadgets to
move through them.
* A download log (text) added. Enable gadget added to the "Paths &
options" window. The download log has a file name of "DnloadLog.text"
and is found in the "Log files file path" path. This log file has the
date, time, user name, file name & CPS rate for every successful download.
* A separate CLI log (text) added. Enable gadget added to the "Paths
& options" window. The CLI log has a file name of "CLILog.text" and is
found in the "Log files file path" path. Note: This log file is
exclusively locked before executing the CLI command entered.
* Bug fixed. The BBS now does not turn on the "Get File Description"
flag when doing a "Raw" upload.
Changes from version 1.12 to version 1.14:
* Double buffering has been added to the serial input routines. This
allows the BBS to keep up with over 1900 CPS! A big improvement on the
earlier versions. Note: Tests done with a terminal rate of 38400 bps
caused random errors during file transfers. This is because the serial
device can not keep up with 38400 on a standard 7 Meg Amiga.
* The door command 11 now works the way it should. It finds out if a
file in your file library is online or not. A carriage return is now
printed after using the door command 6 - Input.
* When printing the contents of the serial buffer after a carrier is
detected (show connect info) the BBS now ignores line feeds.
* A M A X's BBS exclusive door command 201 has been added.
* The "FidoNet configure" window has been changed to fit in the new
gadgets "BBS name", "Make LZH" and "UnLZH". The "BBS name" is what is
used in the FidoNet system ID (Log.text). The "Make LZH" is the FidoNet
message bundle compression command. The "UnLZH" is the command used to
extract compressed message bundles. You can use the last two gadgets
(above) to specify a different compression utility and/or options.
* The "System configure" window has been split up into two windows. The
"Paths & options" window now contains the file paths and options that
were in the old "System configure" window.
* Eight more optional files file paths have been added to the "Paths &
options" window.
* The BBS menu function 23 - Upload files, can now contain an optional
upload path in the "Filename/Name/Dest/Path" gadget. You can also use a
pseudo section number of 100 to specify no section ie. the uploaded file
is not stored in the "File.data" file (raw upload).
* The "User editor" inactive days count is now stored in the config file.
To set your own default inactive count, change it in the "User editor" and
select "Save all".
Changes from version 1.10 to version 1.12:
* The serial input routines have been optimized for faster file receives.
* The "ZModem XON/XOFF" gadget in the "System configure" window now only
selects XON/XOFF flow control for bps rates higher than 2400. Rates the
same or lower than 2400 bps default to XON/XOFF turned off.
* The "Shw connect info" gadget has been added to the "System configure"
window. When turned on, the BBS will display the serial buffer contents
until it sees a valid connect string when a carrier is detected. Useful
to see connection summary info that some high speed modems can give.
Changes from version 1.00 to version 1.10:
* A new M A X's BBS icon has been drawn to replace the old temporary icon.
Those who are connected to MAXsNet will already have it.
* A file name of a text file can replace any text line in the "Text editor"
window. To specify a text file name make the first character a "<" (just
like AmigaDOS) followed by the file name. If you want to print a "<" as
the first character of a text line then use two "<", you will only see one.
This does not work with line 0 - Sysop name!
7: |<BBS:Text/Security.text |
* "Search" and "Goto" gadgets have been added to the "Text editor" window.
Use the "Goto" gadget to go to a line number, its gadget will be
activated ready for editing. Use the "Search" gadget to search for a
string from last search or goto downwards, or from the top if no previous
goto or search was used. The search is not case sensitive and partial
strings can be used. When the string is found the gadget will be
activated ready for editing.
* A "Goto" gadget has been added to the "Sections configure" window.
Works in the same way as above.
* A "Goto" gadget has been added to the "FidoNet mail distribution"
window. Works in the same way as above.
* A number of optimizations have been made to window redraw and some other
areas in the BBS.
* A proportional (slider) gadget has been added to the "Files editor"
window. Just like a file requester...
* A proportional (slider) gadget has been added to the "Caller log"
* "Delete" options have been added to the requesters when checking files.
* The text "Talking to yourself" has been moved into the "Text editor"
(line 264). It no longer appears in a chat interrupt at local but only
when attempting to a write message to yourself.
* A pull down menu function "Sub 15 mins" has been added to complement
"Add 15 mins". It will hang up on users with fifteen minutes or less...
* A pull down menu function "Sleep" has been added. This activates
sleep mode which closes the serial device and stops the BBS clashing with
other programs using the serial device eg. another M A X's BBS or JRComm.
You can use the option "-s" in the command line to start the BBS in sleep
Run MAXsBBS -s BBS:MAXsBBS.config
* A bug fixed in the "FidoNet mail distribution" window when using a
section number bigger than 103.
* The ANSI cursor position code now accepts just a row number and no
column number.
* Iconify on start up gadget added to the "System configure" window.
This starts the BBS as an iconifed window. You can also use the option
"-i" in the command line to start the BBS as an iconifed window.
Run MAXsBBS -i BBS:MAXsBBS.config
* When listing files the description line and the line above have been
swapped around. A more logical way to list files.
* When adding a new file in the "Files editor" if a comment exists with
the file been added then it will be used as the description.
* A "38400" connect string gadget has been added to the "Modem configure"
window. The maximum bps that can be used now is 38400.
* A "Device name" gadget has been added to the "Modem configure" window
to change the file name of the serial device you wish to use. Default is
* The file "Log.text" is now exclusively locked before executing a CLI
command when using BBS menu function 28 - CLI. This stops the user from
deleting or changing the "Log.text" file from the CLI function. This is a
security measure as each CLI command used is logged here.
* The "Clock" window has been moved to the left to reveal the screen
depth gadget and to cover up my name :-(.
* The BBS will now remember the iconified window position which is stored
in the "MAXsBBS.config" file. Move the iconified window to where you would
like it to appear and then use "Save all".
* ZModem resume has been added and is optional. The gadget "ZModem
resume" has been added to the "System configure" window. When a file
is uploaded using ZModem and the "ZModem resume" flag is turned on and
the file transfer is aborted or the carrier is lost, then the BBS will
resume transfer from the last saved position. The file name of the file
will have an extension of the user's name who started to upload it.
These files will stay in the files directory until the transfer is
completed or you delete them. Note: A 16K buffer is used for file
transfers which means incomplete files will be a multiple of 16K bytes in
size. Minimum file size is 16K bytes.
* A "Door files file path" gadget has been added to the "System configure"
window. This path is used by the new door function (see below). The BBS
can also execute door programs during a logon. This path is checked
for the following files to execute, if they do not exist then the BBS
will continue as normal:
* BBS menu function 34 - Door, has been added. This door is downward
compatible with Paragon door programs. The door functions have been
extended with M A X's BBS exclusive functions eg. The door program can
use any of the 33 BBS menu functions and edit any part of the current
online user. For information on programming for this door see the Paragon
door docs file available in the "M A X's BBS support files" section. A
list of extended M A X's BBS door functions will be available soon. The
"Filename/Name/Dest" gadget in the "Menu editor" contains the file name and
path of the door program to run.
* A file name of a text file can replace any macro line in the "Macros"
window. To specify a text file name make the first character a "<" (just
like AmigaDOS) followed by the file name. If you want to print a "<" as
the first character of a macro then use two "<", you will only see one.
This feature is a one key import function. If the file is not found then
the import requester will ask for a new one.
f2: |<BBS:Text/GuestMsg.text |